You can’t keep your license as a dental professional without doing some continuing education courses. Every state requires different amounts of credits, but the fact remains. That’s just the way it is; we need to stay sharp to provide the life-changing treatment our patients both need and deserve. But unfortunately, for some of us, getting continuing education through a typical dental convention can be the most boring thing on the planet.
Many dental professionals would happily spend their salaries and bonuses on a trip to a city they’ve never visited. But when they have to spend their time there learning at a dental convention, it’s not exactly a grand time. It can really kill the thrill when they’re spending their hard-earned money on hotels or motels, travel expenses, takeout, and vocation-related stuff they’d rather be compensated for.
On a Smiles at Sea cruise, getting CE no longer means a business trip—getting CE translates to getting a vacation. And if you’re interested in why you should attend a Smiles at Sea conference in lieu of that on-land dental convention you’re planning on going to, then keep reading!
On a Smiles at Sea cruise, you can get more social than you would at a traditional dental convention.

When you go to a dental convention, whether it’s held on a cruise ship or in a rented-out auditorium, you’re going to be immersed in a community of the same dental professionals for a prolonged period of time. People may come and go, but the group of people attending the dental convention isn’t going to change much. If there’s a lack of chemistry amongst everyone, it might make your time at the convention feel even longer.
But on a Smiles at Sea cruise, the people whom you’re surrounded by aren’t likely to be very grumpy. A cold drink and an island breeze can do wonders for anyone’s temperament, which makes for a very sociable, friendly environment. That means that, in all likelihood, everyone will get along much more swimmingly than they would at a traditional dental convention (pun intended).
People won’t only be in better moods and act more cordially; on a Smiles at Sea cruise, everyone is going to be on the same boat with everything they could ask for. Unlike a dental convention in a big city, people won’t disperse once the training session is over to go have drinks or food somewhere else. There are often cliques that form or just groups of people who associate together while excluding others (intentionally or not). If you don’t find yourself tagging along with a group of dental professionals, you’re out of luck. You’ll likely end up going back to your room after getting a few contacts in the room where the CE was held.
On a cruise, though, everyone is on the same vessel with nowhere to go but overboard. There’s not much space to lose each other in crowds. And if you can’t find someone who you were really looking forward to connecting with, it’s a pretty safe bet you’ll eventually stumble across them at one point or another before the cruise is over.
Get Vitamin D, and get outdoors!

The more scholarly types of dental professionals might love sitting in a classroom environment for hours. Getting educated about dentistry and learning all about the tips and tricks of the trade is a really passionate process for some folks. But, for a lot of us, we can’t stand being stuck in the four walls of a traditional dental convention until the sun has risen in the east and set in the west.
If you’re in The Big Apple for the first time, the last thing most people would want to do is spend their time attending a dental convention—dental professional or not. It’s not what TripAdvisor would suggest, to say the least, and that’s not to mention the financial burdens that can really put a damper on any hope for satiating some wanderlust. A Smiles at Sea cruise is very much the opposite. You can enjoy an island breeze, after a snorkeling session, all while networking upon some beach chairs and getting your CE credits on the same day.
Maybe you aren’t even thinking of traveling for your CE; maybe you’re considering getting your CE credits virtually. Online learning can be conventional, no doubt about it. We don’t have to worry about spending all that money on travel expenses. We don’t have to dress up and try to impress folks. But it’s hard to network in that environment, let alone feel any sort of genuine human connection.
Smiles at Sea is a much better alternative to online learning. When you come on a Smiles at Sea cruise, you’ll bond with people you otherwise wouldn’t have as you enjoy leisurely activities together and bask in the sunshine. Who knows, maybe you’ll develop friendships that will last a lifetime. Even if you don’t, the change of scenery from your bland, stuffy room—and immersing yourself in the tropical outdoors instead—can do wonders for your mental health.
What are you waiting for?

A Smiles at Sea cruise can put you in paradise. You won’t spend your time in a boring conference room or in the confines of your bedroom. On a Smiles at Sea cruise, you’ll find yourself enjoying the tropics, sipping on refreshing cocktails, and making networking connections that can forever change the trajectory of your career.
From April 18-23, 2021, we’re going to be exploring the seas for a 5-night cruise from Miami, Florida to Labadee, Haiti. If you get onboard with us, you’ll have the time of your life, and you can be sure to look forward to an educational vacation rather than some ordinary dental convention.