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Top Dental Conferences 2025

How to Navigate Your Dental Practice to Success

Running a dental practice isn’t easy, even if you have a great business mind. Most practice owners are dentists, however, who were never taught the tricks of the trade in dental school. They learned how to do a crown, an implant, or a filling, but they never learned how to run a business, let-alone a dental practice. With healthcare, there are tons of areas with red tape where things get more complicated than they would in an ordinary business.

So, for many dentists, there are a lot of trials and tribulations before they can discern how to really manage their dental practice well. They certainly have a vision of where they want their practice to go and a plan for growth, but it’s anything but easy to work toward that vision error-free. Turning a dental practice successful requires some time and energy to learn the ropes, and then some.

If you’re reading this blog post, then you’re already making the right moves. But if you want to learn more about moves you can make to navigate your dental practice to success, then keep on reading.

Network With Other Professionals

Running a dental practice takes a ton of different areas of expertise. There are aspects that require collaboration from business professionals with different repertoires—marketing, finance, scheduling, handling phone calls, etc. The list goes on and on. People have careers in these sorts of things for a reason, and they don’t become experts in these fields without gaining a ton of knowledge about being efficient in their respective realm.

That’s why it’s integral to the success of a dental practice to look for people who you can either learn from or delegate an aspect of your practice to. One of the best ways to do this is by joining a social media group, like the Trapped in an OP Facebook community, or by going to dental conferences. And what dental conference is as entertaining as Smiles at Sea?

On any given cruise there are tons of dental professionals looking to learn and have a good time simultaneously. And unlike traditional dental conferences, everyone is on one boat together rather than in the same city or Zoom call. Everyone is bound to run into one another at one point, and hopefully you aren’t so monotonous that they have to jump ship in order to avoid you tracking them down and asking them for some tips or if they’re looking for work.

Take Continuing Education (CE) Courses

Continuing education courses might be required in order to retain licensure (depending on the state), but they also can offer tons of helpful advice you never could learn through a Google search nor learn in dental school.

The classes you take for learning how to better run your dental practice don’t even have to be related to dentistry. But, if you want to take CE courses made by professionals who are dedicated to the dental industry, then you’ll find all that you need to learn to navigate your dental practice to success by coming aboard the next Smiles at Sea cruise.

Come to the Next Smiles at Sea Cruise!

We have a really special giveback cruise coming up in November, and if you want help turning your vision of your dental practice to fruition, then come aboard. We’ll help you navigate your dental practice to success as you navigate the seas with us.

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