As dental professionals, we constantly are in need of continuing education. It’s not just a requirement for a certain number of hours of CE that your state requires as a dental professional. It’s not just some mandatory class; CE is what makes us as sharp as we can be to provide the best dental treatment we can provide. It helps us to improve more lives and do it better than we could before. And it doesn’t have to be some obligation we have to do begrudgingly with a yawn. Contrary to what you might have thought until now, CE doesn’t have to be boring.
Smiles at Sea offers CE in a fun way. You can enjoy a drink upon a ship deck in the seas of the Bahamas, or watch the waves lap the shore as you sit on a tropical beach, and get your hours in for CE simultaneously. It’s a vacation and an education at the same time! Refine your capabilities as a dental professional while having the time of your life.
A vacation paired with education isn’t all that Smiles at Sea can offer you. One of the best parts of getting your dental CE through Smiles at Sea is saving tons of money. Read on to learn more about six of the many ways that Smiles at Sea can save you money on your dental CE.
1. The Fall 2020 cruise is a GiveBack Cruise!
We’re set to sail away on our November cruise, but this cruise will be more affordable than our other cruises. We understand the emotional stress and financial strain this pandemic has put on the entire dental community. Because of this, November 6-9, 2020, Smiles at Sea will be hosting a GIVE BACK cruise event! There will be NO event ticket cost! All you have to do is pay for your cruise cabin and applicable taxes and fees.
2. Immerse yourself in a CE experience with no extra expenses.
Whether you embark on our GiveBack cruise in November or a different cruise—such as our trip set for April 2021 from Miami to Haiti and CocoCay—Smiles at Sea is always all-inclusive. That means you pay for a ticket and everything comes with it: food, drinks, entertainment, and more.
You don’t have to pay for travel expenses. You don’t have to surf through Trip Advisor to find an affordable hotel room. You don’t have to pay separate fees for your rendezvous at the pub after the classes have ended. It’s all included with your Smiles at Sea cruise ticket!
3. Get vacation and education in one trip.
Dentistry is a busy profession, and it comes with a fast-paced lifestyle accompanied by loads of stress. Oftentimes, we need a break. That’s what vacations are for. And it goes without saying that a cruise isn’t your ordinary, run-of-the-mill CE conference. When you sign up for a trip with Smiles at Sea, it’s a vacation with education. You’ll get your hours in for your CE requirements to become a sharp dental professional while having the time of your life. You don’t have to pay for a separate vacation; you get it all in one package!
4. Reward your team with team-building, PLUS get their CE credits.
Bonuses are a great incentive for team members to work their hardest. But Smiles at Sea offers an alternative for monetary compensations. Give them a cruise instead! They’ll enjoy the vacation and get their CE credits at the same time, while you get two birds with one stone.
5. Add value to your CE through priceless networking.
Networking is priceless. And tons of dental professionals attend dental conferences just to network. But the majority of dental CE conferences are held in cities or towns where people disperse after the show is over. By nature of being on a cruise, you’re constantly bumping into people whether they’re speakers, vendors, or other dental professionals. So, at Smiles at Sea, you add value to your CE because you can network more easily by having dinner or taking excursions with other dental professionals, vendors, and speakers.
6. Make your practice more productive and profitable than ever before with a stronger, more motivated team.
When our team is on the cutting edge of dentistry thanks to plenty of CE, they’re going to be more productive. That in itself will make your practice stronger. But spending time on a cruise ship together is a bonding experience that results in lots of team building. Smiles at Sea can create chemistry between your team members that can add tons of benefits to your dental practice behind the scenes.
What are you doing to save money on your dental CE?
If going on a cruise ship amidst a pandemic is a bit daunting to you, Smiles at Sea has started offering online CE/virtual dental conferences at reduced costs or even for free. Keep an eye out for our next one by signing up for our email list.
What are you doing to save money on your dental CE? Let us know in the comments section below!
And if you’re interested in attending a Smiles at Sea cruise event, then click here.