by United Medical Credit
So often patients delay or decline treatment due to the out of pocket expense or inability to qualify for traditional financing. We can help!

Why Choose Us?
Traditional patient finance companies only approve about half of the applicants. United Medical Credit’s mission is to bring incremental revenue to your practice by securing payment solutions for more of your patients.
Up to 40% more approved patients
Increased case acceptance = maximum practice revenue!
Your practice receives payment prior to the procedure date
And its non-recourse

Will My Patients be Approved?
Most patient finance companies have just one lending source, so they only approve patients with excellent credit. United Medical Credit uses multiple lenders so we can find a financing option that will work for more of your patients even those with credit challenges.
Prime, near-prime and subprime lenders are available to patients with just one easy online application.
Competitive interest rates for patients with terms from 24-60 months and loans up to $35,000
No prepayment penalties. No surprises.

How Does It Work?
We understand you are busy so we’ve made the process easy. Your patient completes one simple online application that we submit to our lending network. Patients receive a rapid response and we follow up to discuss their financing options and assist them through the loan process.
We assist the applicant through the loan process
Your practice is notified when the funds are available
NO STAFF TIME REQUIRED submitting applications, explaining plans or running transactions.

How Does It Work?
No cost to sign up!Sign up today and receive a $25 onboard credit! CLICK HERE to get started!